Saturday, June 30, 2012

Tattoo on my naked soul!

I will be turning 26 in a few days time. And I wonder what have I achieved…On reflection I realize all the promise of youth has been wasted. My maker endowed me with so much talent but right now I am a nobody. The struggles seem endless, successes few. I just want to write down what I am going through.
There are many things I could argue in my defence for a lack of success. Back surgery, a sisters death. So much I could claim, but at the end of the day what I measure myself against is the scoreboard and it reads 0 right now.
The first goal I set myself was to make it to Princeton University. Studied for that from a 1987 edition second hand book I found at a flea shop. Lacked parental support. Never made it. Failed miserably. The score read 0
The last major goal I set for myself was IIM Ahmedabad. Never made it. Bore the taunts of my batchmates at UBS, who laughed at me for dreaming so big. But nevertheless made it to FMS. Sort of a consolation prize. The score still reads 0
Now in this hurdle I aspire to become a Foreign Service Officer! No less! I don’t want this to end up like another consolation prize where they say “Son, here is your ticket to the Indian Revenue Service. You can catch Lalajees who shirk tax”
Nevertheless I am in real danger of ending up in that scenario with my terrible hand writing…In my previous attempt at this exam, I scored a pathetic 47/300 in my strongest paper, thanks to my handwriting…. I fear failure so much. Even if the Indian Revenue Service be a great success for my parents and friends….
But you know what? One thing has not changed…The innocence might be gone but my eyes are still as filled  with hope as it was ten years back! I still have that magical Pandorean gift-Hope! I still have belief… Its difficult but somewhere inside me I still believe in myself. Somewhere my Body still trembles with hope and inspiration as I pass the Foreign Service Institute in Ber Sarai..
My clothes are faded. Am tired of the same Dal rice for lunch for the last one and a half years but I just refuse to quit. As Ernest Hemingway pointed out “Man can be destroyed but not defeated!” And as I find washing clothes is actually good exercise!
Right now I think there is only one person who thinks I am a genius and backs me all the time without doubting me ever to beat all the odds…And that’s none other than me! Eagles never flew in flocks! :P
I really don’t know if I will make it. There are too many variables involved. But I know this fire and desire in my eyes of hope shall Never die! Till I am alive!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sabu and The Iron Sheikh v/s Tarzan Goto and The DIplomat

It has been 13 months since I started on this preparation for the UPSC and it seems I have not made much headway. So a lot of people advise me that I should have a back up plan. So what exactly should be my back up plan?

Apart from Academics and a regular job I am a bit lost. So I wonder if I cant be a diplomat what can I be?....

I have been watching a lot of wrestling these days. The Lebanese American wrestler Sabu is my favorite.[1] . One of Sabu’s legendary barbed wire matches was with Tarzan Goto a Japanese wrestler who was just 5’9 in height-my height.

I also recall from the old days IRS the wrestler who was supposed to be a Federal Tax Collector.

So let us put 2 and 2 together. I want to be a diplomat, I love wrestling and there was also a wrestler IRS who was a tax collector.[2]

How about a wrestling career? I could possibly be billed as The Diplomat and come dressed for every match in a suit and tie. So I must have a punchline. Just like Stonecold Steve Austin used to have a punch line, “Why? because Stonecold said so!!” And the Rock had the punchline “If you smellllll what the rock is cooking!!!”, I could possibly have the punchline “Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!! Because the Diplomat said so!!!” Since Geography is my optional my finishing move should involve a globe. One of my finishing moves would obviously be my smashing the globe on the opponents head with the Punchline “There shall be no war!!!”

How about my Theme Song? I have zeroed in on two three songs…One could be Like a Rolling Stone by Bob Dylan ……no no no the reference is a rather negative one “You used to sit on a plumed horse with your diplomat, who carried on his shoulder a Siamese Cat, Now you realize he isn’t as well as that,..After he took from you everything he could steal!”

How about For the Greater good of God by Iron maiden? “Are you a man of peace, a man of holy war? Too many sides to you , don’t know which anymore” No No even this is a negative reference and considering that the reference is to Christian zealots and considering that India is a secular country it just would not do!

Finally I have the option of Choosing a very socially appropriate song and modifying it “We are the world, we are the people” from Live Aid 1985. I could possibly modify the lyrics to “We are the diplomats! We save the people

And so I teeter on the verge of insanity!

[1] Sabu is named after the Indian Hollywood actor of the 1940’s Sabu Dastangir who shot to prominence with the pre world war 2 film Sabu the Elephant boy

[2] For the Uninformed IRS can be taken as a pun on the Indian Revenue Service!