Friday, October 27, 2006

Reflections of immortality


one of my friends recently started a blog... i was like what purpose does it serve?this started a journey of introspection as to whether i was prepared to write down in black and white what my life is and face upto it...
I realised that it would be a challenge. And i love challenges. So here i am before this 15" screen penning down my feelings . I write of the small successes, small failures, small feelings all of which add up....

here is one of my recollections of intimacy with the changing seasons which are truly immortal....


I often cry when i see the beauty of nature... I really do. I tremble as i realise the grandeur of nature and its magnificience. Fera is mixed with reverence and a feeling of inconsequentiality. I cry with the earth when raindrops falls. Soft round spheres. a microcosm of the world.
I reconnect with the pagan inheritance of every individual as i feel the autumn wind work its way into my veins, it cools the heat I accumulate everyday. The heat of small events--joys ,sorrows,failures... all of which add up.
i shiver as i look at the wan sun in winter. It had the look it had when ages ago the monkey God Hanuman tried to swallow it. I was here then too. i am here forever. So are you . The shiver reminds me of my denuded cavemen ancestors who lived and died in the cold.
In the leaf shedding season I wait for the falling leaves. As one from the Begonia in the terrace falls I try to catch it. i fail; Yet i smile in joy. in knowledge.
Summer. My best memory is of a hot day when from my top floor home, early in the morning I gazed at the seven mountains. A moment of rapture , of sublime realization.
Yes i often cry when the rain falls, the thunder cracks, the moon smiles, the stars twinkle, when life begins....


Saira said...

Whose that friend???and ya keep writing ull feel good!!!

Hriday said...

thx saira
btw dat fren is u urself..

Myth said...

the best part of this blog is tht finally after a long long time u started to do wht u believed u cld do...write :)